LAC DPH COVID-19 Information: Age 65 and Older Now Eligible for Vaccine & Vaccine Mega-POD Reminder January 19, 2021 COVID-19, healthcare workers, LA County, LAC DPH, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Mega-PODs, Pfizer, vaccination, vaccine 6035 Los Angeles County Department of Public Health has opened COVID-19 vaccine eligibility to LA County residents 65 and older while efforts continue to vaccinate persons in Phase 1A (healthcare workers and residents and staff at long-term care facilities). Starting today, all locations that are currently providing vaccination can also begin offering appointments to persons in this age category. Healthcare facilities without vaccine can refer their patients to to book appointments. Patients who do not have computer access should be instructed to call 1-833-540-0473 between 8:00am – 8:30pm for assistance with making an appointment. Please note that the vaccine supply is still extremely limited. LAC DPH continues to urge patience as we work urgently with our federal and state partners to expand capacity and supply in the weeks ahead. Please visit the Prioritization and Allocation webpage for more information on who is currently being offered vaccine and the estimated timeline for each phase. LA County healthcare workers in Phase 1A are reminded that the five large drive-up vaccination point of dispensing sites called Mega-PODs (Point of Dispensing Sites) are now open daily. Note for second dose appointments: the Mega-PODs are only offering the Pfizer vaccine but many other sites listed on the vaccination appointment webpage do offer the Moderna vaccine. Visit the LAC DPH COVID-19 Vaccine Healthcare Provider Information Hub which hosts local, state, and national resources related to COVID-19 vaccination including how to become a COVID-19 vaccine provider and vaccine-related eduational opportunities. Refresh your browser to view the latest versions.