LAC DPH Health Advisory: Mumps Outbreak in Men’s Central Jail November 8, 2019 Health, Healthcare, Mumps, Outbreak, public health 1838 Mumps is highly infectious and spreads through congregate living/social settings and has caused recent outbreaks in the United States. Since October 25, 2019, there have been 25 confirmed cases of mumps among staff and persons in custody at MCJ. Any person who was present at the MCJ since October 14, 2019, may have been exposed to mumps and become infected if they lacked immunity. This communication is to request increased vigilance for possible mumps cases associated with the current jail outbreak and to review the presentation, diagnosis, and management of mumps in Los Angeles County. Many recent LA County mumps cases have been initially misdiagnosed, most commonly as salivary duct stones and lymphadenopathy. Key Messages There is an outbreak of mumps among staff and persons in custody at the Los Angeles County Men’s Central Jail (MCJ). Jail staff or persons who were recently in custody may present for care with symptoms of mumps. Healthcare providers should consider the diagnosis of mumps among patients presenting with parotitis, other salivary gland swellings, and/or orchitis, even if patients have been immunized, especially if they were present at the MCJ anytime since October 14, 2019. Droplet precautions should be used immediately with suspect mumps patients. Providers should ensure that patients have completed the two-dose series of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) immunizations. An extra MMR immunization is recommended for all individuals who were potentially exposed to mumps at MCJ. Suspect mumps cases should be reported by telephone promptly to Public Health. Do not wait for laboratory confirmation. Read the full actions requested of providers Here