Provider Webinar on Public Charge December 5, 2018 Webinar 1202 You're Invited! Provider Webinar on Public Charge Learn how proposed changes to the Public Charge rule may impact your patients Friday, December 7, 2018 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm To join the webinar: Register here: Webinar URL: Webinar call-in: (800) 260-0702 Access code: 457989# Get answers to these questions, and more: What is public charge? And how is it changing? Who is affected by the changes? What do I tell my patients if they ask whether they should dis-enroll from Medi-Cal? Where can I refer patients who ask me for information on this? How will this impact emergency care? For more information: Contact Penny Griego at This webinar is being offered in partnership with Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County