Public Health Alerts Residents of Recall of Wawona Frozen Foods, Raspberries and Frozen Berry Mixes sold at Aldi Grocery Stores November 6, 2019 Food Contamination, LA Public Health, Public Health 1576 The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) is working closely with The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Food and Drug Branch, in coordination with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), to alert consumers to a recall of frozen raspberries and frozen berry mixes containing raspberries sold at Aldi Grocery Stores, as well as frozen raspberries sold at Raley's Family of Fine Stores because they could potentially be contaminated with Hepatitis A virus (HAV). To date, no cases of acute HAV associated with the recalled product have been identified. Although no cases have been identified, because the virus can persist in frozen product, consumers are urged to see if they have product in the freezer and discard it or take it back to the store it was purchased in. Read the full Press Release: Here