Public Health Emphasizes the Importance of Vaccinations as Distancing and Masking Guidelines Relax Next Week June 8, 2021 Blueprint for a Safer Economy, California, CDC, June 15th, LA County, LA Dodgers, LA Football Club soccer team, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, Public Health, vaccination, Virtual Town Hall 1307 Today, the State released the final blueprint tier numbers before the Blueprint for a Safer Economy program is retired next week; L.A. County's adjusted case rate remains at 0.7 new cases per 100,000 people, and the overall test positivity rate remains at 0.4% across the county and in areas with the fewest health affirming resources. Los Angeles County remains in the least restrictive yellow tier in the State's Blueprint for a Safer Economy framework. On June 15, the State will be lifting most capacity limits and distancing restrictions at businesses, and the County will align with the State in order to allow businesses to fully re-open. Specific requirements will continue for large capacity events, schools, day cares, day camps, high-risk congregate settings and health care facilities. The County will also follow the State on lifting current travel restrictions on June 15 to align with CDC travel recommendations. Businesses must comply with all Cal/OSHA requirements at worksites past the June 15 reopening. Public Health will host a Virtual Town Hall on Reopening on Thursday, June 10, at 6:00 p.m. Join the town hall to get the latest updates on the June 15 reopening of Los Angeles County. The town hall will be streamed live on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube @lapublichealth. For more information and to submit a question, visit: The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) has confirmed 13 new deaths and 186 new cases of COVID-19. Of the 13 new deaths reported today, three people that passed away were over the age of 80, six people who died were between the ages of 65 and 79 and four people who died were between the ages of 50 and 64. To date, Public Health identified 1,245,412 positive cases of COVID-19 across all areas of L.A. County and a total of 24,404 deaths. There are 232 people with COVID-19 currently hospitalized and 16% of these people are in the ICU. Testing results are available for over 6,836,000 individuals with 17% of people testing positive. Today's daily test positivity rate is 0.4%. “We know there are people across our community who have suffered tremendous loss. For those of you mourning the passing of a loved one, we wish you healing and peace,” said Barbara Ferrer, PhD, MPH, MEd, Director of Public Health. “As California reopens and most physical distancing requirements and capacity limits are lifted a week from today, it’s very important that those not vaccinated continue to take precautions. While we are making great progress with vaccinations in the County with 54% of L.A. County residents 16 and over fully vaccinated and 65 percent having received one dose of the vaccine, there are millions of residents who do not have protection from COVID-19. For those not yet vaccinated, and the over 1.3 million children under 12 years old, wearing a face covering remains important for preventing transmission.” Public Health inspectors continue to visit businesses across L.A. County. From May 31 through June 6 inspectors visited approximately 1,000 businesses. In almost all sectors, compliance with masking and distancing requirements was extremely high, with the only exceptions in garment manufacturing. Inspectors are revisiting these manufacturing sites to ensure full compliance. During this same time period, a total of 12 citations were issued, including 8 to restaurants for noncompliance with Health Officer Orders. Non-compliance and dangerous conditions at businesses can be reported to Public Health by phone at 888-700-9995 or online at These tips can be submitted anonymously. Anyone 12 and older living or working in L.A. County can get vaccinated. To find a vaccination site near you, to make an appointment at vaccination sites, and much more, visit: c"> (English) and (Spanish) to find a vaccination site near you, to make an appointment at vaccination sites, and much more. If you don’t have internet access, can’t use a computer, or you’re over 65, you can call 1-833-540-0473 for help finding an appointment, connecting to free transportation to and from a vaccination site, or scheduling a home-visit if you are homebound. Vaccinations are always free and open to eligible residents and workers regardless of immigration status. With 12-17 year olds now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, providing accurate and important information to teens is critical. Public Health participated in a COVID Vaccine Teen Forum and helped answer some of the most popular questions from Los Angeles County teens themselves, ranging from vaccine safety to how they can talk to their parents about getting the vaccine. The forum can be seen at the following link: Through Thursday, June 10, everyone 18 and older coming to get their first vaccine or who brings a first-time vaccine recipient with them to their second dose appointment at County-run vaccination sites, L.A. City and St. John’s Well Child and Family Center sites, will have an opportunity to win a pair of season tickets to the 2021-2022 home season of either the LA Football Club soccer team or the LA Dodgers. Official rules and participating site locations can be found on the Los Angeles County Vaccination Sweepstakes page online. County Reopening Protocols, COVID-19 Vaccine Dashboard, COVID-19 Surveillance Interactive Dashboard, Roadmap to Recovery, Recovery Dashboard, and additional actions you can take to protect yourself, your family and your community are on the Public Health website, Please see additional information below: Laboratory Confirmed Total Cases 1245412* Los Angeles County (excl. LB and Pas) 1180664 Long Beach 53450 Pasadena 11298 Deaths 24404 Los Angeles County (excl. LB and Pas) 23114 Long Beach 941 Pasadena 349 Age Group (Los Angeles County Cases Only-excl LB and Pas) 0 to 4: 29419 5 to 11: 56458 12 to 17: 70610 18 to 29: 279561 30 to 49: 392295 50 to 64: 227594 65 to 79: 90874 over 80: 33200 Under Investigation 653 Gender (Los Angeles County Cases Only-excl LB and Pas) Female: 598566 Male: 559881 Other: 642 Under Investigation 21575 Race/Ethnicity (Los Angeles County Cases Only-excl LB and Pas) American Indian/Alaska Native 2007 Asian: 56695 Black: 47014 Hispanic/Latino: 633373 Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 4228 White: 130628 Other: 98610 Under Investigation: 208109 Hospitalization Hospitalized (Ever) 88495 Deaths Race/Ethnicity (Los Angeles County Cases Only-excl LB and Pas) American Indian/Alaska Native 49 Asian 3159 Black 1905 Hispanic/Latino 12411 Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 65 White 5332 Other 157 Under Investigation 36 View the Full Press Release Here