A Consistent Influence

For more than 100 years, the LACMA has been a
constant voice for the local medical community


LACMA Elections provide members in good standing an opportunity to get more involved in the decision-making process and serve as representatives of their local communities throughout Los Angeles County. Members have the opportunity to run for and elect persons for the LACMA Board and local leadership positions.

LACMA holds its elections every June. Active members of LACMA and CMA have the privilege of voting for their preferred candidates.

At the end of May, members can expect to receive a voting ballot via email or mail and you will be able to cast your vote for your preferred candidate. Please be sure to keep an eye out for your ballot and submit your vote.

To view the current LACMA bylaws, please click here

To ensure that you are receiving all of LACMA’s communications, please update your contact information.

The Los Angeles County Medical Association will hold its 154th Annual Election this June.

LACMA Board of Directors Vacancies

President-Elect - 1 year term

Treasurer - 1 year term

Secretary - 1 year term

Councilor-at-Large (4 seats) - 3 year term

District 1 Councilor - 3 year term

District 2 Councilor - 3 year term

District 6 Councilor - 3 year term

District 7 Councilor - 3 year term

District 17 Councilor - 3 year term

CMA Trustee - 3 year term

Resident/Fellow Councilor and Alternate - 1 year term

Medical Student Councilor and Alternate - 1 year term

*Unsure what district you belong to? Click HERE.

CMA Delegates and Alternate Delegates

The California Medical Association's (CMA) House of Delegates (HOD) consists of over 550 delegates elected by component medical societies, specialty societies, and CMA sections and forums, representing virtually every mode of practice and region of the state.

CMA's House of Delegates convenes annually to debate on the most important issues affecting members, the Association, and the practice of medicine. Actionable reports on those topics are presented and debated, and educational speakers are often invited to provide additional insight. The House also addresses any other issues referred to it by the Board of Trustees, including any changes to the bylaws matters regarding charters, etc. During the Annual Session, the House elects officers, honors members for their service, and receives important updates about the activities of the Association in the past year.

While only Delegates can address the House during Annual Session, any CMA member may present testimony (i.e. speak for or against a recommendation) during the online testimony period of the Major Issues. This is similar to how Members can submit written testimony on submitted resolutions that are accessible via their account dashboard on the CMA website.

If anyone has any questions regarding the positions or the election process, please contact Lisa Le at (213) 226-0304 or at lisa@ladocs.org.


# of Delegate Vacancies

# of Alternate Delegate Vacancies

1 – Metropolitan



2 – Pasadena/San Gabriel Valley/Glendale



5 – Bay



6 – W. San Fernando Valley/Santa Clarita Valley



7 – Beverly Hills



9 – Southwest/South



10 – Southeast/East/Long Beach



14 – Foothill/Pomona



17 – E. San Fernando Valley/Antelope Valley