April 2022 Quarterly Noridian Association Email April 21, 2022 A/B Provider Outreach, CMMI Models, CMS, Cognitive Assessment, Medicare, Medicare Intravenous Immune Globulin, Noridian Association 1078 April 2022 Quarterly Noridian Association Email Dear Association Member Noridian’s Medicare Part A/B Provider Outreach and Education Department is providing you with our latest news and updates. Noridian and CMS look to Associations to help by forwarding the information to your members. CMS Innovation CMMI Models. CMS offers Innovations Center / Innovation Models to develop new payment and service delivery models. They include several categories and stages, with some models in the development stage, ongoing, and no longer active. Examples include Emergency Triage, Treat and Transport (ET3) Ambulance Model, ESRD Treatment Choices (ETC) Model, Medicare Intravenous Immune Globulin (IVIG) Demonstration, Oncology Care Model, Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Demonstration Program, etc. Cognitive Assessment and Cognitive Assessment. Recently Medicare updated features of the cognitive assessment for dementia related disorders. Make sure you have all the up-to-date information. CMS Cognitive Assessment & Care Plan Services Medicare Coverage and Payment of Cognitive Assessment & Care Plan Services - YouTube Cognitive Assessment: What’s in the Written Care Plan? CMS MLN Connects dated June 10, 2021 CMS MLN Booklet Medicare Mental Health Provider Based Locations. In March of 2020 CMS announced a delay of the edits for Provider Based locations due to COVID related issues. With the pandemic slowing down these edits may be implemented in the future. Make sure your billing staff is aware of what may need to be done when the edits are turned on. a. CMS Activation of Edits for Providers with Multiple Service Locations - SE19007 4. Ask the Contractor Teleconference (ACT). Are you interested in attending a Noridian General ACT event? This one-hour call allows providers to have pre-submitted or impromptu-questions answered by Noridian experts from various departments. Although there is not a presentation with material distributed, minutes are published after the event and remain available for two years. Below are the dates, times, and links to register. Register for the April 20, 2022, ACT, Begins at 3 p.m. Central / 1 p.m. Pacific Time Register for the October 19, 2022, ACT, Begins at 3 p.m. Central / 1 p.m. Pacific Time Watch for Part A registration - September 28, 2022 Please let us know if you have upcoming events at which Noridian’s Education team can provide training to your members. For Medicare training needs, associations may request Noridian to present on topics of interest via webinars, in-person visits or as a guest speaker on a teleconference. From the JEA, JEB, JFA, or JFB “Education & Outreach” section of our website, select “Collaboration with Associations,” complete the Association Education Speaker Request Form, and email it to mac@noridian.com. Thank you. JE/JF Provider Outreach and Education Noridian Healthcare Solutions LLC registrations@noridian.com | www.noridianmedicare.com ENABLE ACCESS TO CARE, ELIMINATE BARRIERS, ELEVATE PEOPLE.