LACMA Releases the Following Statement in Response to Political Remarks About Physicians and COVID-19. November 5, 2020 California, Covid-19, Dr. Diana Shiba, Dr. Sion Roy, Health Care Workers, Health Officers, Los Angeles County, Medical Community, Medical Industry, Nurses, Pandemic, Physicians, Public Health, Public policy 1215 LACMA President Diana Shiba, MD, and immediate Past President Sion Roy, MD released the following statement in response to President Trump's remarks about physicians and COVID-19. Statement from President and Immediate Past President: Today, we face the worst public health emergency in more than 100 years. Answering the call to duty and public service, physicians, nurses and frontline health care workers have risked their lives to treat patients with Covid-19. And now, more than 1,000 frontline health care workers, including physicians, have lost their lives to this pandemic. Earlier this year we witnessed attacks on public health officers as they promoted public policy based on science, including masking in public, hand-washing, and social-distancing. Now more recently, some politicians have turned their attention on physicians, falsely and maliciously claiming that doctors are over-reporting Covid-19 patients for financial gain. To the medical community who have suffered lives lost due to the virus, this is an insufferable, erroneous, and intolerable charge. Continued misinformation will only erode trust and confidence in our health care teams. It’s time to stop attacking those who care for the ill, and to stand by the physicians, nurses, and health care workers who have saved countless lives from Covid-19, while risking their own. Diana Shiba, MD President Los Angeles County Medical Association Sion Roy, MD Immediate Past President Los Angeles County Medical Association View the official letter here. We want to include the names of front-line workers who have died from COVID-19 including those physicians from Los Angeles County and Orange County. View More