Monday Rx: California’s Medicaid Proposal, LACDPH Coronavirus Update, and Upcoming Events. February 10, 2020 Coronavirus, Events, governor gavin newsom, Medicaid, Monday Rx 1442 Trump Administration Version of Healthcare Reform The federal government notified Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration recently that it is rejecting California’s Medicaid financing proposal, a decision that could cost the state $1.2 billion. The decision doesn’t affect this year’s budget, and Newsom’s administration plans to continue talks with the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services over changes to the proposal that might win federal approval. If those efforts aren’t successful, the Finance Department has projected a $1.2 billion hit to the state’s general fund for the budget year starting in July 2021 and Newsom’s budget proposal for this year is $222 billion. The federal government splits with states the cost of health care for people enrolled in Medicaid. In general, the federal government pays 62.5 percent while states pay 37.5 percent, but the percentages vary by state under special arrangements states can make through waivers. California’s most recent waiver request proposed a variation on a common Medicaid funding mechanism states use to boost their federal Medicaid payments. LACMA President, Sion Roy, MD weighed in on the reduction: "LA County physicians are deeply concerned that the federal Medicaid reform plan proposed by the current administration will cut funding and significantly reduce access to care for the most vulnerable LA County residents. The LA County Medical Association is committed to fighting for all Angelenos, and particularly for our most at-risk populations. We are committed to doing everything we can to not just preserve but increase access to care for our Medi-Cal population. We will fight to increase funding for this vital program both at the federal and state levels." Preferred Partner Update We are still in conversations with Peloton Technologies and Mercedes Benz of Beverly Hills. Stay tuned for an update regarding negotiations. 2020 Southern California Women in Medicine Leading Through Change The conference planning committee includes representatives from Kaiser Permanente, CHOC Children’s, St. Joseph Heritage, St. Jude Heritage and the University of California at Irvine, among others. The committee is chaired by Darla Holland, MD, past president of the Orange County Medical Association. The target audience includes physicians, residents, medical students and others interested in healthcare policy and issues. Early Bird Registration of $100 ends on February 14, 2020. Regular fee - $150 Sponsorship Opportunities Conference Agenda Register Call for Nominations: The Los Angeles County Medical Association is holding its 149th Annual Election this coming June. Active members of LACMA and CMA have the privilege of voting for their preferred candidates. At the end of May, you can expect to receive a voting ballot via email and you will be able to cast your vote online. Please be sure to keep an eye out for your ballot and submit your vote. To learn more about open positions, please click below. Learn More Registration Now Open for CMA Legislative Advocacy Day, April 14 The California Medical Association (CMA) will host its 46th annual Legislative Advocacy Day on April 14, 2020, on the State Capitol South Lawn. Attendees will have the opportunity to go to the Capitol throughout the day to meet with legislators on health care issues. The meetings will be scheduled and coordinated by local county medical societies. This is a unique event for California physicians and is free of charge to all CMA members. Plan to join more than 400 physicians, medical students and resident members who will be coming to Sacramento to lobby their legislative leaders as champions for medicine and their patients. Registered attendees will receive webinar training on legislation and policy affecting the practice of medicine on March 25. Set April 14 aside to become an advocate for your patients and colleagues! Click below to register! Register Now CMA is hosting an upcoming webinar on February 12, 2020! The California Medical Association is hosting, “CMS Medicare Updates for 2020” on February 12. This webinar, presented by Dr. Ashby Wolfe, CMS Chief Medical Officer Region IX, will provide an update on the 2020 Medicare physician fee schedule, discuss the Quality Payment Program and E/M documentation changes, among a few other topics. Click the corresponding link below to register for the webinar. Register Here Register Here Visit LACMA Alliance Facebook Page 31st Annual Advances in Pediatrics Symposium Saturday, March 28, 2020 at UCLA 3 Tracks 5.25 CME 5.25 MOC Part 2 Early Bird Registration $169 for Chapter Members Register Online Below Register Here 11th Annual LACBA - LACMA Healthcare Law & Medicine Education Symposium Physicians interested in attending please call (800) 361-5569 or email using the link below. RSVP Here #MondayMotivation “While the journey seems long and hard at the beginning, with perseverance and dedication the rewards at the end last a lifetime.” ― William R. Francis Gustavo Friederichsen Chief Executive Officer Los Angeles County Medical Association “If it matters to our LACMA members, it matters to me.”