Monday Rx: Dr. Richard Seidman, Loan Forgiveness Program, Garfield Medical Center, Legislative News and Upcoming Events December 12, 2022 Burnout Symposium, CA Data Sharing Agreement, California Medical Association, Dr. Richard Seidman, Garfield Medical Center, L.A. Care Health Plan, LACMA Staff, Medicare, Membership Dues, Physician Fee Schedule, PSLF, Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, Specialist Compensation Reports, U.S. Department of Education 1889 Dr. Richard Seidman Retires LACMA board member and L.A. Care Health Plan Chief Medical Officer Dr. Richard Seidman is retiring at the end of this year and will transition off the LACMA board after years of support and service. Rich has been more than a board member. He was instrumental in championing the historic agreement signed a few weeks ago with L.A. Care and LACMA that will engage up to 312 L.A. Care direct in-network medical providers. He was the quintessential champion of the safety net in Los Angeles throughout his career. Thank you, Dr. Seidman, for impacting growth as we forge a new relationship with L.A. Care for the next three years! Physicians Eligible for Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLF) Update The U.S. Department of Education has released the final rule on the national overhaul of the broken Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLF). Included in the rule is the specific fix sought by the California Medical Association (CMA) so that all eligible California and Texas physicians can participate in the program, despite our state prohibitions on physician employment. This is a major win for California and Texas physicians, hospitals, and patients. It ensures California and Texas can compete equally with all other 48 states for a physician workforce, which will ultimately protect patient access to medical care in our states. Applications will open in July 2023, which are retroactive for the last ten years of work in public and private non-profit hospitals and clinics. Click here, for more details. 2022 Specialist Compensation Reports Medscape has released a comprehensive look at salary trends affecting 29 specialties. These individual reports identify income gains, pay gaps, and a review of other factors impacting that particular specialty. Click here, for the report. Providers Must Sign CA Data Sharing Agreement by 1/31/2023 CalHHS has opened a new online portal that allows providers to sign on to California’s Data Sharing Agreement, which physician organizations and other healthcare entities are required to sign by January 31, 2023. The Data Sharing Agreement is the first step in the state’s Data Exchange Framework, which was developed to advance health equity and promote the safe, effective, and timely sharing of health information. Click here, to learn more. Garfield Medical Center Medical Staff Join LACMA Thanks to the support of Dr. Ken Sim, chairman of Allied Pacific IPA, LACMA President Dr. Omer Deen and LACMA board member Dr. Hector Flores, LACMA welcomed 20 new members from the Garfield Medical Center medical staff last week and will continue dialogue to welcome 20 additional new members from Allied in 2023! Welcome, Garfield Medical Center physicians! Garfield Medical Center chief of staff Dr. Luning Chen (left) presents a plaque to the incoming chief of staff, Dr. Helen Huynh. Noemi Goodbye This week we would like to say goodbye to Noemi Corona, our Organizational Administrator for the past 2 years. Thank you for everything and good luck in your future endeavors! “Thank you to all the LACMA Family and its wonder members for giving me this incredible opportunity these past 2 years, my time here has been overwhelmingly positive and I look forward to seeing what LACMA accomplishes next.” - Noemi Corona It’s Time to Renew Your 2023 Membership Dues! Southern California Burnout Symposium Each week I look forward to sharing news about our February Symposium discussing the topic of physician burnout. LACMA is the lead sponsor for this groundbreaking event that promises to be profoundly impactful. LACMA members also receive a $400 discount of additional savings. Visit to see the complete agenda or register below! Register LACMA Members can also contact for the discount code to register for this historic and worthwhile event! Medicare Changes: 2023 and Beyond This presentation will provide your practice with an overview of the policy changes for Medicare payments under the Physician Fee Schedule (PFS), and other Medicare Part B issues, effective for Calendar Year 2023 and beyond. Join us as we discuss: Telehealth Services Updates to Other Evaluation and Management (E/M) Visits Behavioral Health Services CY 2023 Quality Payment Program Noridian Compliance Other Medicare Part B issues You will walk away with the resources to help you maneuver regulatory and procedural challenges that impact your practice. Register #MondayMessage Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later. Gustavo Friederichsen Chief Executive Officer Los Angeles County Medical Association “If it matters to our LACMA members, it matters to me.”