Monday Rx: Help Us Protect MICRA! March 14, 2022 California, California Medical Association, COVID-19, Expanding Coverage, Fairness for Injured Patients Act, FIPA, healthcare, Legislative Advocacy Day, Legislative Analyst’s Office, Los Angeles, Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act, medical provider, MICRA, physicians, Young Physicians Mixer 1795 LACMA is fully committed to defeat a November ballot proposition - the so-called “Fairness for Injured Patients Act” (FIPA) which will devastate our health care delivery system, hurt community health centers, and raise health care costs for ALL Californians by overturning the existing protections of Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act (MICRA). As I have shared previously in Monday Rx, LACMA started fundraising with hospital medical staff in 2021 to raise critical funds to defend MICRA. The LACMA board of directors also approved matching contributions up to $300,000 and thus far we have matched $170,000 in support from local medical staff. We know how important MICRA has been for physicians and patients alike to allow for fairness and access and are standing firm in our efforts to protect it. Donations from hospital medical staff and physicians will fund the production of campaign materials such as lab coat cards, brochures, buttons, posters, lawn signs, and other material to all physicians free of charge so that we can get the word out to our fellow physicians and our patients. We are awaiting assignment of a number for the proposition in early July, and we will let you know how you can order your material as soon as possible. We are thankful for the many LACMA Members and non-Members that have contacted us asking us to protect MICRA - for this is a sign that they are aware of this dire threat to our physicians and patients. Please know that we stand with the physicians of LA and will do all we can to protect MICRA and fight this ballot proposition. MICRA ensures that injured patients receive compensation while preserving access to health care by keeping providers in practice and hospitals and clinics open. Without MICRA’s protections, many of California’s neediest populations could face reduced access to these much-needed services. If passed, FIPA will effectively eliminate MICRA’s protections. Funded by a wealthy out-of-state trial attorney, this proposition would be a windfall for lawyers at the expense of California’s most vulnerable patients. This flawed ballot initiative would: Eliminate the cap on both non-economic damages and attorneys’ fees. The initiative creates a new category of injuries that are not currently recognized under California law. This new, broadly defined category of malpractice lawsuits allows for unlimited attorneys’ fees and unlimited non-economic damages. Reward lawyers before patients. Current law allows for patients to be paid for future damages over time as their treatment and recovery continues. This measure requires all damages to be paid in a large lump sum and increases the risk that patients could run out of money before their recovery is complete. These lump-sum payments allow trial attorneys to collect more in fees. Result in more, not less frivolous lawsuits. Unlike other judicial transparency laws in California, this measure would expressly prohibit judges from independently verifying the truthfulness of statements made by trial attorneys in certain court filings known as “certificates of merit” and from disciplining them for dishonesty. According to the non-partisan Legislative Analyst’s Office, this flawed initiative will drive up health care costs for all Californians by over $11 billion and cost the average person $1100 more in insurance costs. This initiative would obliterate existing safeguards for medical lawsuits — resulting in skyrocketing health care costs and huge windfalls for attorneys. This is not the first attempt to alter MICRA, but it is the most damaging. The future of MICRA is on the line. We know that through our collective efforts, we can defeat this dangerous measure and ensure continued access to care for millions of Californians. We need your help to educate millions of Californians about the disastrous impact this initiative would have on our health care system. For more information on how you can help defeat FIPA, please visit Important Message from LACMA President, Dr. Jeffery Lee: The future of MICRA is truly on the line. I want every LACMA member and your nonmember colleagues to know that we are 100% committed to defeating FIPA or any effort to eliminate MICRA’s protections. FIPA is funded by a trial attorney, who’s plan is to create a windfall for lawyers at the expense of California’s most vulnerable patients. If successful, FIPA will result in medical provider exodus from California, exacerbating an already fragile health care system. Doctors will leave. Clinics will close and our most at risk, vulnerable populations will face reduced access to critical healthcare services. Physicians will be forced to cut services, reduce staff, as much of a private practice overhead, as an example, is designated for medical malpractice insurance. If those costs skyrocket, doctors are left with few options — charging more to private insurance or leaving the county altogether. We simply cannot afford more physicians leaving as patient needs grow and charging more for malpractice coverage would impact patients in the form of deductibles and copays. On behalf of the LACMA executive committee and board of directors, I can assure members that we are unified in our commitment to defend MICRA and defeat FIPA this November. If you would like to get involved or share concerns, email me directly. Remember to Vote No on FIPA, share the facts and get involved! Find out more information here. Webinar: Legislative Advocacy Day Training Learn how to be an effective advocate. In preparation for the California Medical Association (CMA) Legislative Advocacy Day, CMA's Center for Government Relations will host a special webinar on Tuesday, March 29, 2022, from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. This webinar will review CMA's list of legislative issues and bills to be lobbied, effective advocacy tips, and other relevant program information. Date: March 29, 2022 Time: 7:00 pm - 8:00pm Register here. LACMA Town Hall on Expanding Coverage Continues April 11th Join us for a deep dive into the healthcare changes in California as UC Berkley Professor, Dr. Stephen Shortall, Ph.D., MBA, MPH, talks about “The Future is Now: The Successful Medical Enterprise in Challenging Times”. Key areas to discuss include: Understanding the challenge and the opportunity. Listing the essential elements of integrated delivery models; including team-based care. Describing the role of value-based payment models in incenting continuous improvement in care. Highlighting the evidence to date. Defining and incorporating health equity under the capitation, integrated model. Date: April 11, 2022 Time: 6:00pm Register here. Join Us at the Young Physicians Mixer Our live in-person event takes place on Friday, April 29, 2022, at 8 pm at Lucky Strike LA Live. LACMA is taking serious measures to ensure the safety and health of all of our guests. We ask that those in attendance provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 prior to the event. Please note that this event is open to members and invited guests only. Each individual (including guests) must register separately. Date: April 29, 2022 Time: 8:00pm Register here. #MondayMotivation "Don’t be ashamed of your story. It will inspire others." Gustavo Friederichsen Chief Executive Officer Los Angeles County Medical Association “If it matters to our LACMA members, it matters to me.”