Monday Rx | LACMA @ LACMA, Time for Advocacy, Practice Makeover, Office Hours, Member Spotlight, and Upcoming Events May 1, 2023 Assembly Bill, LACMA, Legislative Day, Medical Practice Makeover, Member Spotlight, Senate Bill 1145 A Night at The Museum - LACMA @ LACMAto be Held Sunday, June 4th, at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art Excited to share that, after a pandemic year virtual exhibit experience, LACMA will finally partner with the Los Angeles County Museum of Art to hold the first in-person networking event. On Sunday, June 4th, attendees can enjoy self-guided tours, a unique reception experience, and much more! To RSVP, click HERE. See you on June 4th! Legislative Day Aftermath: Time for Advocacy! After meeting with several legislators and staff last month in Sacramento, there are key bills that we are tracking as they can have significant impacts on physicians and the practice of medicine. Assembly Bill 470: Expanding Cultural Medical Equity Assembly Bill 571: Provider Protection for Reproductive Health Assembly Bill 765: Truth in Advertising Assembly Bill 815: Streamlining Physician Credentialing Senate Bill 487: Prohibits “civil actions” against abortion providers Senate Bill 582: EHR Vendor Regulation Senate Bill 598: Prior Authorization Information on Key Bill Today, we launch our grassroots campaign in opposition to SB 784, a bill that would allow permanent exemptions to the Corporate Bar for healthcare districts which would set a dangerous precedent for physicians and patients across the state. We are hoping that EVERYONE will push this grassroots campaign to their members and ask for their engagement. This bill will be heard in the Senate Appropriation Committee on May 8th at 10 am. The bill so far has had no “No” votes in any policy committee. We know that expressed concern from physicians in their district will help Senators understand why this bill must be stopped. Click the link below to have your voice be heard! I want my voice heard To review the top legislative priorities in 2023, click HERE. Practice Makeover Initiative Do you have an independent practice in need of support? Launched in 2022, LACMA’s Practice Makeover Initiative provides grant money, resources, supplies, and a practice assessment to eligible physicians who meet certain criteria. Apply Today Be sure to apply today! The deadline for Q3 is May 26, 2023. Monthly Office Hours Are you unsure of the benefits and resources available to you as a member? Would you like to be more involved with the organization? Do you have an interest in legislative advocacy? Is there a list of issues your practice is facing and you don’t know where to go for answers? On every last Wednesday of the month, the LACMA team will be available at noon via Zoom to answer any questions about your LACMA and CMA membership. We would also love to help with any pain points you may have. Or just stop by to say hello! Please know that we are here for you! Register Here Member Spotlight Each month we will be recognizing our long-time members for their support over the years. We could not do what we do without each and every one of you, so thank you! Member Anniversaries: 55th | Dr. Leonard Baker 50th | Dr. Stuart Ackerman, Dr. Chester Hasday 45th | Dr. Alan Weiss 40th | Dr. Ralph Dilibero, Dr. Brian Mekelburg 35th | Dr. Howard Sofen, Dr. Calvin Yang 30th | Dr. Antoinette Gomes 25th | Dr. LanAnh Do, Dr. Laurel Schramm, Dr. Jaw Wang 20th | Dr. Erwin Ong, Dr. Jeffrey Tsai, Dr. William King GETTING PAID: A Physician’s Guide to Taking Charge of Your Accounts Receivable This presentation outlines the make-up of, and challenges associated with, the effective management of accounts receivable (A/R) in the physician practice. Presented by one of CMA’s experienced practice management experts, the presentation will cover areas that significantly impact a practice’s A/R and suggestions on how to address those A/R challenges. Date: Thursday, May 18, 2023 Location: Virtual Time: 12:00 - 1:00 P Register SAVE THE DATE 152nd Installation of President & Officers Please save the date for LACMA’s 152nd Installation of President and Officers set to take place on Friday, August 18th. Click here to learn more. Gustavo Friederichsen Chief Executive Officer Los Angeles County Medical Association “If it matters to our LACMA members, it matters to me.”