Monday Rx: LACMA Response Plan, PPE Needs, Telemedicine and Physician ER Notice March 24, 2020 Coronavirus, COVID-19, Docs4LA, Dr. Sion Roy, LA County, PPE, Public Health 2377 LACMA Launches $100,000 Response Plan to Support Medical Providers and Communities During COVID-19 Pandemic Click the picture above to view the video. As the COVID-19 crisis continues to impact everyone, particularly those with the virus and the providers caring for them, LACMA launched the COVID-19 Rapid Response Plan, a five-point effort to support providers and patients. If you are in a solo or small practice, you can access funds to pay for much needed supplies. You can view LACMA President Dr. Sion Roy's message for providers, access the latest news on telemedicine options, stay up-to-date on news from CMA, CDC, the LA County and California Departments of Public Health and much more. To get the latest information on how LACMA is helping physicians in small practices, visit Physician Needs: PPEs, N95 Mask and Supplies As many of you know, we launched a membership survey last week to get a baseline regarding practice needs. While the response was low and understandable under the circumstances, the results were telling. The majority of respondents need assistance with PPEs, n95s, resources to help them care for patients while providing a safe environment for staff. We continue to monitor FEMA, state and local Departments of Public Health alerts when it comes to PPEs, testing sites and more. We are in close contact with the Hospital Association of Southern California (HASC) in terms of important messaging for physicians to share with patients as hospital ERs continue to become impacted. At the same time, we have reached out to several sources producing n95 masks and I will have information on shipment and distribution details next Monday or perhaps sooner. Adjusting With the Times For those using a reliable and robust telemedicine platform please share any news you have so I can share with those members needing help to care for patients, as providers continue to make changes to their care models. In the meantime, I have been in conversations with our technology partners and will share an announcement in the coming days on a potential telemedicine platform for members to access. Take the telemedicine survey and let us know your needs. Submit Survey Dr. Roy has also sent a clear message to city, county and state policy makers stating the need for only essential services to be open during the pandemic. Finally, since we deployed the Rapid Response Plan and funds for practices, we have had close to 70 local medical practices request funds and tell us what they need. Remember, we have the ability to fund more practices, so we need your help to alert colleagues, both members and non-members who need help during these tumultuous times. I want to make sure physicians know that LACMA not only is providing information and resources but a significant financial commitment of $100,000 to help solo and small practices during this crisis. Whatever you need, please let me know and I will do my best to solve it. If you are not in need, we would appreciate you sharing the message. Apply Here Help Uncrowd Our Emergency Rooms View Full Announcement Latest COVID-19 California Public Health Testing Laboratories As of 2 p.m. PDT on March 22, approximately 26,400 tests had been conducted in California. This includes the latest numbers California has received from commercial and private labs. At least 14,317 results have been received and another 12,100 are pending. Learn More All events in March and April have been postponed until further notice. #MondayMotivation "Great things are done by a series of small things brought together." – Vincent Van Gogh Gustavo Friederichsen Chief Executive Officer Los Angeles County Medical Association “If it matters to our LACMA members, it matters to me.”