Monday Rx | October 8, 2018 | Influencing Policy at This Week's 147th House of Delegates! October 10, 2018 Tag 1158 147th House of Delegates This is officially CMA House of Delegates week! Each year, the "House" consists of nearly 500 delegates elected by members of component medical societies, specialty societies, and CMA sections and forums, representing virtually every mode of practice and region of the state. CMA's House of Delegates convenes annually to debate on the most important issues affecting members, the Association, and the practice of medicine. If there was a time to share the voice of physicians on issues impacting care, access, wellness, healthcare disparities and policy, this is it!Actionable reports on those topics are presented and debated, and educational speakers are often invited to provide additional insight. The House also addresses any other issues referred to it by the Board of Trustees, including any changes to the Bylaws, matters regarding charters, etc. During the Annual Session, the House elects officers, honors members for their service, and receives important updates about the activities of the Association in the past year. Delegates and Alternates are elected to serve in the House via several pathways, depending on the structure of each county's delegation. While only Delegates can address the House during Annual Session, any member may present testimony (i.e., speak for or against a recommendation) during the online testimony period of the Major Issues. This is similar to how Members can submit written testimony on submitted resolutions that are accessible via their account dashboard. Let me know if you need additional information or want to get involved, if not this year, future years. We need to hear from you and policy makers need to hear from you! LACMA Leaders in the Community! Congratulations are in order for Dr. Valencia Walker and Dr. Jerry Abraham for speaking at next week's Minority Health Conference at USC's Keck School of Medicine. The event is co-sponsored by Keck School of Medicine USC, Charles R. Drew University and UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine. To register visit LACMA's Patient Care Foundation Annual Los Angeles Healthcare Awards Fifty-four days until the 2018 Los Angeles Healthcare Awards on November 30th! The Patient Care Foundation is hosting this wonderful event where physician leaders and healthcare organizations will be honored for their work in quality, patient loyalty, community impact and more. The funds raised will benefit crucial medical student programs at the Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science. I hope you can join us. To learn more and purchase tickets, please click here. Gustavo Friederichsen Chief Executive Officer Los Angeles County Medical Association "If it matters to our LACMA members, it matters to me." REGISTER NOW CME Programs 5TH ANNUAL GAYLE BRINKENHOFF BREAST CANCER SYPOSIUM WHEN: October 23, 2018 WHERE: Argyros Auditorium, City of Hope 1500 E. Duarte Road Duarte, CA 91010 TIME: 8:00 AM -4:00 PM Click here for more information and click here to register This program will bridge the gap of current practice to include recent developments in disease classification, molecular biology, diagnostic algorithms, testing modalities and therapeutic advances. NEOPLASTIC HEMATOPATHOLOGY UPDATE WHEN: November 8 to 10, 2018 WHERE: The Waterfront Beach Resort, A Hilton Hotel 21100 Pacific Coast Highway Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Click here for more information. Join experts for this exclusive interactive conference. This is a unique opportunity for up-close learning and discussion with experts in the treatment of neoplastic hematopathology. HOW THE EXPERTS TREAT HEMATOLOGIC MALIGNANCIES WHEN: March 21 to 23, 2019 WHERE: Waldorf Astoria, Las Vegas 3752 S. Las Vegas Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89109 Click here for more information. This two-and-a-half-day symposium has been designed by experts in the field of hematologic malignancies and affords the conference attendee specialized educational tracks for both physicians and nurses, providing an opportunity to learn about the most recent advances in the treatment of bone marrow transplant, multiple myeloma, lymphoma and leukemia. For questions contact: or 626-218-5622.