Monday Rx: Physician Vaccine & PPE Update, AAPI Conversation and the Los Angeles Healthcare Awards March 29, 2021 California Department of Public Health, Californians, CDPH, COVID-19, Dr. Jerry Abraham, Fundraiser, Kedren Health, Los Angeles, Los Angeles Healthcare Awards, PAIX, PPE, Sonya Logman Harris, U.S. Representative Judy Chu, Vaccination 1421 COVID-19 Vaccination and PPE Supply Update With rapid movement relative to COVID-19 and state and local mandates being lifted in many areas, vaccination tiers continue to expand. On April 1, 2021, all Californians aged 50 and older will become eligible; and on April 15, 2021, the state will expand eligibility to all Californians aged 16 and older. On Thursday, President Biden also announced that his administration had doubled its original vaccine goals, and is now hoping 200 million doses of COVID vaccines will be administered by May 1 as we race against the emergence of new variants and try to achieve herd immunity. The guidance offered by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) last week also encouraged providers – in particular those serving patients in lower-income areas – to use broad discretion in deciding who to vaccinate. In the new guidance, CDPH noted that health care providers have the discretion to vaccinate those who live in high impact areas, including families of those who are currently eligible. CDPH has divided the state into four quartiles based on the Healthy Places Index (HPI). The HPI uses a number of data sets including economic, education, transportation, housing and health care access to assess community conditions. Communities in the lower half of the state’s HPI scores have been a target of the state’s vaccine distribution policy as the state works to ensure equitable allocation and distribution of COVID vaccines. Congratulations to Dr. Jerry Abraham, LACMA secretary, and Kedren Health’s vaccination director, for his vaccination site as it serves as a model for the nation. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti visited the site and launched a broader vaccination program with Kedren, CORE Solutions and other community based organizations, to reach those in communities of color with vaccines and health education. LACMA participated in the event at Kedren last week, delivering 10,000 3 play masks, 10,000 masks for children and much needed supplies for medical staff. Thanks to Vitelio Aguilar, LACMA’s District manager, for making the delivery a success. PAIX: Continuing the Conversation This morning, LACMA hosted U.S. Representative Judy Chu and Sonya Logman Harris, Senior Advisor, COVID-19 Task Force to discuss violence against the Asian American and Pacific Islander community and vaccine equity. Thanks to LACMA President Dr. Diana Shiba and President-Elect Dr. Jeffery Lee for hosting and moderating. If you missed the Zoom call this morning, we will send out a nicely produced package in the next few weeks. 18 Days until the Patient Care Foundation Los Angeles Healthcare Awards The Los Angeles Healthcare Awards will be a fantastic live-streamed event held on April 16, 2021, to honor local organizations, physicians and national media correspondents as well as benefit medical students. Our goal was to raise $100,000 and we are $30,000 short of that. If you or an organization would like to support, contact Lisa Le at Register Here or register with Lisa Le at To assist with the Foundation’s fundraising efforts, we have launched our first ever online auction fundraiser! Various experiences are up for bid from a virtual cooking class, a glamping getaway, or a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Iceland. Check them out here! Virtual Grand Rounds: A Year at Home - School Reopenings and Pediatric Mental Health in COVID-19 After nearly a full year of public-school closures and at-home learning, pediatricians and others are reporting significant mental health distress in children. This virtual grand rounds webinar will feature experts who will discuss COVID-19 testing in schools, pediatric mental health and school reopenings, especially through an equity lens. Date: Tuesday, March 30, 2021 Time: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Register Here 47th Annual Legislative Advocacy Conference The California Medical Association (CMA) will host its 47th Annual Legislative Advocacy Conference April 5 - 9, 2021, with an hour-long virtual program scheduled for Tuesday, April 6 at 10:00 a.m. Click here to register for the program. Each county medical society will be coordinating their own legislator meetings. If you are interested in participating in LACMA’s legislator meetings (likely to be held on one day for 2 hours), please email Lisa Le at #MondayMotivation "If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then, you are an excellent leader." -Dolly Parton Gustavo Friederichsen Chief Executive Officer Los Angeles County Medical Association “If it matters to our LACMA members, it matters to me.”