Monday Rx: Revised Provider Relief Fund Reporting, CalMedForce Application & CalVaxGrant Deadline Extension August 9, 2021 ACEs, California, California Future Health Workforce Commission, California Medical Association, CalMedForce, CalVaxGrant, District, LACMA, Online Wellness Engagement Groups, Proposition 56, Provider Relief Fund, Vaccinate, webinar 1618 Revised Reporting Requirements for the Provider Relief Fund The California Medical Association will be hosting a webinar on Wednesday, August 11, 2021, from 12:15 pm-1:15 PM on the revised reporting requirements for the Provider Relief Fund (PRF). CMA and representatives from accounting firm Moss Adams will share the latest information on how it will affect physician practices and how to navigate the reporting requirements. The webinar will cover key changes and outstanding questions related to the PRF reporting guidance including: Deadlines to use and spend funds and report expenses Lost revenue reporting Updates to the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards and audit information Best practices on how to account for and track funds Instructions and tips to navigate the reporting portal This one-hour webinar is FREE for CMA/CMS members only ($99 for non-members). Physicians can register for the webinar through the CMA website, here. CMA/CMS member staff can email Becky Paplanus at with the physician’s California medical license number and obtain a promo code to allow for free registration. CalMedForce administers annual grants to fund new residency positions at graduate medical education (GME) programs throughout California. CalMedForce dedicates voter-approved, state tobacco tax revenues from Proposition 56 (2016) to train physicians and help California address its growing physician shortage; which, in a 2017 study by the California Future Health Workforce Commission, is estimated to reach a 10,500-clinician shortfall by 2030. Awardees are selected based on their ability to support and expand the physician workforce to meet the demands of California’s diverse and growing patient population, with a focus on medically underserved populations. Eligibility Residency programs located in California Licensed as Allopathic or Osteopathic Provide primary care (family medicine, internal medicine, obstetrics/gynecology, or pediatrics) or emergency medicine Accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) or will have formal accreditation by contract execution Serve medically underserved populations and areas Guidelines Applications must be received prior to the stated deadline Applications will receive a preliminary score Following the close of the cycle, a final score will be sent to the primary contact and program director Applicants should plan enough time to collect and prepare required information, including: Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) score Structure of the program, including the number of positions overall and the number for which you are requesting funds ACGME letters for the sponsoring institution and residency program or an ACGME letter of proof of formal accreditation prior to contract execution If applicable, information about program graduates, including location, specialty and type of practice from the past five years Patient population payor mix Justification of funding needs Apply Here The CalVaxGrant Deadline Has Been Extended! APPLICATION EXTENDED The application cycle has been extended to September 10, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. (PT) to allow CalVaxGrant applicants more time to begin and/or complete the myCAvax process. As California continues its efforts to vaccinate all eligible residents against COVID-19, the state is offering providers up to $55,000 to support vaccination efforts. To be eligible for the CalVaxGrant, organizations must: Be one of the following types of medical provider (routine or non-routine vaccinator): Medical practice* with no more than 200 physicians *Medical group/private practice, Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC), Rural Health Clinic (RHC), community health center, migrant or refugee health center, STD/HIV clinic health center, tribal health center, Indian Health Service (IHS) or urgent care Independent pharmacy organization (COMING SOON) Student vaccine clinic, which includes student health centers, university health centers and K-12 schools Be enrolled in myCAvax Physician practices should contact for one-on-one application support Expend or plan to expend award on allowable expenses, which includes staffing and training (most common expenses), technology, infrastructure, supplies/equipment and administrative overhead Have not received money from the State Innovation Fund Apply Here District Information Calling all LACMA Members! Reconnect with your District, voice your opinions, ideas, or suggestions on how to get active in your District. LACMA has set up weekly “Open Calls” via Zoom to provide you an opportunity to check in with ideas, requests, comments, or questions. Below is the Zoom “call-in” schedule: District Check In calls Schedule: Mondays: 3pm - District 1 4pm – District 2 Tuesdays: 3pm – District 3 4pm – District 5 Wednesdays: 3pm – District 6 4pm – District 7 Thursdays: 3pm – District 9 4pm – District 10 Fridays: 3pm – District 14 4pm – District 17 Please contact Vitelio – District Outreach Membership Manager at for more information. ACEs Online Wellness Engagement Groups - Tuesday Series Join CMA's Free, Online Wellness Engagement Groups for Physicians Screening/Treating Patients with ACEs or Toxic Stress The California Medical Association's (CMA) wellness program (CMA Wellness) is pleased to launch free, online wellness engagement groups for health care providers that conduct patient screenings for adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). Treating patients with multiple ACEs or toxic stress can potentially impact your personal wellness and increase feelings of burnout. CMA Wellness' engagement groups will support providers by offering subject matter experts, best practices and an open forum to share experiences, facilitated by trained, volunteer physicians. Each monthly webinar is organized around a prevailing theme with a stakeholder co-host to provide a variety of perspectives with a general discussion and breakout rooms. Registration is required, and providers will be joining the Tuesday series for a 6-month duration. Event Date: August 14, 2021 - December 14, 2021 Register Here #MondayMotivation "Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness." Gustavo Friederichsen Chief Executive Officer Los Angeles County Medical Association “If it matters to our LACMA members, it matters to me.”