Monday Rx: Scope of Practice Bill, Gun Violence, New Member Marketplace and 151st Installation of President and Officers June 6, 2022 151st Installation of President and Officers, Congress, Gun Violence, Gun Violence Prevention, Gun Violence Prevention Forum, HR 6087, Injured Federal Workers Act, New Member Marketplace, Northwell Health, physicians, public health,, Scope of Practice Bill, Workers’ Compensation 1250 Scope of Practice Bill Needs to be Stopped Congress is rushing to push through a bill that recklessly expands the scope of practice at the federal level. Through a parliamentary procedure typically reserved for non-controversial legislation, H.R. 6087, the “Improving Access to Workers’ Compensation for Injured Federal Workers Act,” is scheduled for a House floor vote tomorrow. This bill expands the role of nurse practitioners and physician assistants in providing services to injured federal workers under the federal workers' compensation program. Specifically, under the program, nurse practitioners and physician assistants acting within the scope of their practice may (1) prescribe or recommend treatment for injured federal workers; (2) certify the nature of an injury and probable extent of disability; (3) provide prescribed treatment for injured federal workers; and (4) participate, with a physician designated by the Department of Labor, in a mandatory workers' compensation examination of an injured worker. In general, only physicians may fulfill these roles under current law. Use this link here to tell your congressional representative to vote no on HR 6087. Gun Violence Plagues All of Us; Northwell Health to Hold Conference Later This Year The 4th Annual Gun Violence Prevention Forum, presented by Northwell Health, will take place on December 14, 2022, and serve to mobilize the collective efforts of leading executives, clinicians, researchers, and policymakers around gun violence as a public health emergency. Hosted by Northwell Health’s CEO Michael Dowling, the Gun Violence Prevention Forum is an annual convening of key healthcare and cross-sector leaders to form alliances, drive strategy, and elevate the national conversation around gun violence as a public health emergency. This ground-breaking public health summit is focused on mobilizing collective efforts within the healthcare industry. And now – building on the significant momentum we have seen in healthcare and at a national level – is the urgent time for action. Re-watch the main stage sessions from 2021 on topics including Cross-Sector Learnings & The Power of Partnership and Using Funding to Drive Action and hear remarks from The Biden-Harris Administration, survivors of Gun Violence, the next generation of activists, and more, at the agenda link here. LACMA will unveil an innovative program addressing gun violence and specific ways to engage physicians, schools, public health, and like-minded organizations in July. New Member Marketplace is Coming on June 13th! LACMA’s New Member Marketplace will go live on Monday, June 13th. Be on the lookout for the announcement, FAQs, and social media posts! Join Us as We Celebrate the 151st Installation of President and Officers Join us as we install LACMA’s 151st President and Officers! President – Omer Deen, MD, FACG, AGAF President-Elect – Jerry Abraham, MD, MPH, CMQ Treasurer – Po-Yin Samuel Huang, MD Secretary – Heather Silverman, MD This event will be held in person at the Petersen Automotive Museum and will adhere to current health and safety guidelines. Date: July 14, 2022 Time: 6:30 pm Reception | 7:30 pm Dinner RSVP Here #MondayMotivation "Your character defines who you are by the actions you take." Gustavo Friederichsen Chief Executive Officer Los Angeles County Medical Association “If it matters to our LACMA members, it matters to me.”