Statement from LACMA President and President-Elect on the Respect for Marriage Act December 13, 2022 Biden Administration, LACMA, legislation, LGBQT+, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, Los Angeles Medical Association, Respect for Marriage Act 869 President Biden signed the Respect for Marriage Act into law today Lawmakers from both parties were there, as well as First Lady Jill Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. Among the attendees were the owner of Club Q, a gay nightclub in Colorado where five people were killed in a shooting last month, and two survivors of the attack. Plaintiffs from lawsuits that originally helped secure the nationwide right to gay marriage were also there. LACMA stands united in support of equal rights under the law as we fundamentally oppose the rise in hate crimes against people of color and the LGBQT+ communities. We continue to fight for those who are marginalized, face health inequities while we support those physicians who care, comfort and health these communities. “It’s not lost on me that our struggle for freedom hasn’t been achieved,” said Kelley Robinson, president of the Human Rights Campaign. “But this is a huge step forward, and we have to celebrate the victories we achieve and use that to fuel the future of the fight.” Today, LACMA takes a step forward by standing for those who are no different than anyone else when it comes to living a life without fear, bigotry, and hate. We stand with you.