Statement from Kambiz Kosari, MD May 17, 2018 Tag 1719 First, I wanted to thank you for your continued membership and support of LACMA. With ever-increasing challenges facing healthcare, it is crucially important for organizations such as LACMA to thrive in order to help all of us improve and guide the quality of healthcare. I joined LACMA about six years ago when I moved to Los Angeles and started a hepatobiliary and pancreas surgical practice in the San Fernando Valley. Since then, I've truly enjoyed serving both as LACMA's district 6 president locally as well as councilor for district 6 at the board level. I was recently recruited and accepted a position as faculty in the division of transplant at Cedars Sinai Health System and for this reason, am no longer able to serve at my current position at LACMA. I am hoping to continue serving LACMA and for this reason, I am running for the position of Councilor at Large. I'm honored to be in the race for this position with other respected and capable colleagues. I believe that my somewhat unique background will help me bring a much-needed perspective to the board. Having been in private practice for 10 years, I've experienced the type of challenges that solo and small groups have to face in order to maintain a viable practice. With my transition to academic medicine, I will also be exposed to the challenges that larger systems will have to endure in order to survive. Regardless of our individual beliefs and opinions, healthcare will have to be guided in the right direction for all (solo, small group, and large systems) to be able to coexist and thrive together. I believe I can bring that type of perspective to the board. I therefore humbly ask for your support.