Tuesday Rx: LACMA's COVID-19 Physician Playbook 2.0 and LAC DPH Volunteers January 19, 2021 COVID-19, COVID-19 Physician Playbook 2.0, Healthcare Workers, licensed clinical professionals, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, non-clinical role, PPE, Santa Clarita Valley, Vaccinations, Volunteers 1551 Vaccinations Now Available for Healthcare Workers LACMA staff has been fielding calls from physicians across LA County and working tirelessly to get answers and help provide solutions. Today, we are pleased to share with you answers and links to resources for your most frequently asked questions so our physicians can get vaccinated and on to serving their patients safely! We will be updating the LACMA COVID-19 Physician Playbook 2.0 with additional information and resources as they become available. View Here The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health is looking for licensed clinical professionals (LCPs) to help with their mass vaccination efforts. Public Health is hosting five large vaccine point of dispensing (POD) sites daily from January 19 to January 31, 2021. More details will be available soon. Future volunteer opportunities for LCPs will also be posted on their website. Volunteers are needed for all five of these areas: Mega POD 1 - Pomona Valley Mega POD 2 - Southwestern Los Angeles Mega POD 3 - North Hollywood/West San Fernando Valley Mega POD 4 - Gateway Cities/Southeast Los Angels County Mega POD 5 - Santa Clarita Valley Santa Clarita Valley is urgently in need of support, please sign up if you're available to volunteer. They are looking for the following licensed professionals*: Medical Doctor (MD) Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) Physician Assistant (PA) Nurse Practitioner (NP) Registered Nurse (RN) Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) Dentist (DDS) Pharmacist (PharmD) The clinical roles include: Preparing and drawing the vaccine Monitoring vaccine temperature Administering vaccine Observing people for reactions to vaccine Things to know: These are all 10-hour shifts (8:00 am-6:30 pm) 7 days a week; unfortunately, no part-time shifts are available. Job specific appropriate PPE will be provided. Liability coverage is provided to all volunteers who register and complete the required paperwork. Training materials will be sent by email beforehand. On-site training will also be provided. > Sign up here to be vaccinated ahead of time or you can receive COVID-19 vaccine onsite. If you have already had one dose of vaccine and you are due the second dose you can receive that onsite (if we are using vaccine made by the same manufacturer as your original dose). To learn how to become a vaccine provider click here. *If you do not currently have a current CA license in these professions, we need you too! You can also click the button below to volunteer in a non-clinical role. Volunteer Here